A while ago, we went to view an apartment for potential purchase. The agent was friendly and chatty. All was good.
At one point, I casually commented that we would have preferred for the small terrace to be used as an extended part of the living room rather than its current storage function. The agent immediately jumped on to explain the benefits of this current set-up and how it would be "better than making it part of the living room."
We weren't looking for a justification. The agent had emphasised that the small terrace space was not suited to place much furniture. For us, just two small chairs that would have suited our needs. He could have said, "I see what you mean. That could also be an alternative use if you are looking to add a cosy area here to relax in." Thereafter, he could have continued with his recommendation: "If the existing storage space in the bedroom is insufficient for you, you could use the terrace to store big items such as luggage; or you can choose to further customise it based on your needs." More importantly, if only he had asked about our needs, about what was important for us and our lifestyle.
It is not about justifying your product or service. It is about showing empathy and understanding your propsective clients (and existing ones). Ask, to demonstrate interest and find out a little more about them. Ask, to learn about their priorities and concerns. Showing genuine interest will go a long way.
Reflective thoughts: What are the type of questions you usually ask your team, guests and customers/clients? Do the questions make them feel a certain level of care and interest?