For me, among the things that I mind, especially at an establishment that claims to take pride in service excellence, are:
Mediocre and lukewarm welcome.
Not being ready when there is a prior reservation made.
Wobbly table or chair (How come this was not noticed by anyone during set-up, day after day?)
Seating a single diner or couple right next to a big group when there are many other options available.
Seating a single diner at a table set for 2 or 4, and not removing the covers, making the diner feel as if all his/her friends have stood him/her up.
Presenting menus closed (or/and having too many leaflets and promotional materials).
Not automatically informing soup/dish/specials of the day.
Asking for recommendation and the employee simply points to the item/s on the menu without giving more information about the dishes/drinks.
Service delay without informing guests
Not reverting when diners ask to check with the kitchen for delay.
Being informed the dish/drink is not available after order is placed.
Intrusive and inefficient service – when employees keep coming over to ask about the food, if we would like anything else, and yet not clearing the necessary from the table.
Employee offering "Let me know if there is anything I can do" when it is apparent there is much to clear from the table.
Two main courses ordered and one arrived before the other (i.e. the other diner has to wait)
Group meal – staff not knowing who had ordered what, and therefore diners have to raise their hand to say “Me!” when each dish is being announced.
When guest places the soiled cutlery on the plate to be cleared, and the employee puts them back on the table to be re-used.
Service staff putting the blame on kitchen when food is delayed or order is wrong.
Senior staff behaving unkindly to his/her own team in front of diners.
Body language, comportment and grooming of service team – e.g. dragging the feet when walking, slouchy posture, stained uniforms, faded name tags, etc.
Presenting the bill in a dirty/highly stained bill folder.
Pen offered for signing is not professional (e.g. with cartoons).
Soft-pressurising guests into writing a positive review.
Saying goodbye without looking at the guest and lacking sincerity
Reflective thoughts: In your opinion, what are the things that compromise a dining experience? How can we prevent or remove these?