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Showing Interest: Tell vs Ask

The Storyteller

In a hotel setting, we are often caught up with the "telling" - hotel policies, property information, outlets and room information, loyalty programmes, etc…..that it all becomes a whole heavy burden on both the hotel employee as well as the guest.

Learn to ASK to find out more about the individuals. Then LISTEN to the response - what is said, how it is said, and what is not said. PERSONALISE the way you present the information based on their needs and styles. Are you reading their body language whether they want further elaboration, to keep it short and succinct or even to cut it out totally? ANTICIPATE any further needs before they are raised by the guests.

Reflective thoughts: Do you ever find yourself interacting with or/and responding to guests in an “auto-pilot” and “robotic” mode? Take rooming as an example - what would vary under which circumstances? Do you just TELL or do you ASK too?

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