This means knowing what and when to do to whom.
It is also about common sense, which surprisingly, is not all that common.
Hotel (Check-in): Please keep it short and sweet, especially when the guest says it has been a long flight/is feeling tired, when it is already very late, and those with young kids or infants.
Hotel (Housekeeping): Please don’t spread out all the collaterals in the room, after guest has put them away. Once checked in, guests can arrange the room as they want and please respect their preferences.
Hotel (Room service): Please don’t continue to upsell starter, drinks, coffee/tea, desserts when guest has stated that the one-dish order is sufficient. More. Than. Once.
Hotel (Concierge): Please care to ask about the guest when they request for a doctor or ask for medication.
Restaurant: Please don’t approach guests to offer magazines when they are busy on the phone.
Restaurant: Please don’t ask about the dish just as the diner is trying to chew and swallow the food, and yet continue standing right besides to await the response.
Hotel (Check-out): Please show interest about their stay rather than ask about the mini-bar right away in a robotic manner.
Reflective thoughts: If your team was asked to come up with a list of top 10 non-intuitive responses or gestures when dealing with guests/customers, what would the list look like? How can we plug in these service gaps?