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What You Say and What We Hear

The Storyteller

Communication is an art. Effective communication happens when what the speaker would like to convey is received and interpreted the same way by the listener.

Here are some amusing hotel examples:

What You Say

What We Hear (i.e. What We Think You are Implying)

How was your last night?

Guest thoughts: What did you see or hear? What do you really mean?

Do you mind that your room is on the 6th floor?

There is something wrong with the rooms on the 6th floor and sorry you have no choice but to accept it.

(Response to diner's question whether the portions were large as she was contemplating a starter and main) I think just the main course is enough for you.

a. You don't look like someone who eats much or can afford to pay for three-course meal.

b. You greedy cow, you are on a complimentary stay!

Normally, the room rate is $400.

Go on....the caller is waiting for the best part to come, such as...."but for YOU, we are happy to give you a 30% discount"

I think this spa place you are keen in is very expensive. There are some cheaper ones in that area.

I doubt you have the means to pay the high price. Look at the simple tee shirt and jeans you are wearing!

Would you like fork and spoon? (When the diner has been using chopsticks for the noodles the last fifteen minutes and was almost done.)

The diner is thinking if she's doing such a terrible job of using the chopsticks.

Reflective thoughts: What other examples can you share with your team? How can you work on correcting these?

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